1:1 Birth Story Medicine SPIRAL


This container consists of 3 x birth story medicine sessions (for processing birth trauma or a difficult birth) with check in support in between. Session 1 is approximately 2 hours, the 2 subsequent sessions are 1 hour duration. I provide check-in support in between sessions via email or voice note.

Once your session has been purchased I will reach out to you to organise a suitable time to connect, or, you can email me: clancy@clancyallen.com

Payment plan over 8 weeks available upon request.

You will remember your birth experience for life.

1/3 of women say they feel traumatised after birth (and, it’s reported that the figures could be higher). It’s an epidemic.

If you’ve had a birth experience that has left you feeling powerless, confused, fearful, abandoned, unheard, disrespected, disappointed or any other sense of just not being right, then this offering is for you.

Suffering in silence is painful.

Sharing your story without judgement, shame, problem solving or reminding you that “at least you have a healthy baby” is crucial.

Every woman’s goal in birth is a healthy, live baby, that goes without saying. You might have also hoped that your birth experience would be positive and empowering, and it wasn’t. Emerging from birth with a live baby does not make it a good birth, you can be grateful for your baby, AND feel bad about their birth.

Wanting more (or even a lot more) than a live baby from your birth and having had a less than ideal experience, or a bad, or traumatic experience, does not make you selfish. Your feelings about your birth are valid and are waiting to be witnessed.

We don’t just leave our births at the hospital, they stay with us. There’s a cultural narrative that as long as you and your baby are healthy, then you should be grateful. This silences and shames women, so it can be quite a taboo topic.

I’m here to listen to your story with an open heart and a tonne of compassion. I will hold space for you to transform your story and mine the medicine from it. Every birth story has rich gifts and lessons for us. Are you ready to unearth yours?

I’m also a Birth Story Listener (Birthing from Within).

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